natural...fake ones look soo.....fake! and the long run...they damage your real nails so you'll always have to get fake ones and waste your money.Fake nails or natural?
Oh, natural.
I hate the way my nails are after the fake ones comes off.
natural. fake nails are u-g-l-y!
mine are natural
You're right.
you can grow natural long and beautiful
Natural! I had the fake nails for five years, and found I could no longer pick up change, pick my teeth, or pick my nose, without impaling myself. And, it took forever to get my nails to grow back again. No thanks!
natural, fake are too hard to keep up
Fake as long as they are done right!!!
Natural of course
(When you scratch My back and one breaks, I don't want to awaken with a 3'; piece of plastic between My cheeks!)
Mines are natural nails are extremely weak.
Sadly fake, I have a terrible habbit, but I'm working on it!
they are so much prettier and you can get them as long as you want or as short as you want, they dont break easily if you get them done right, they are so pretty
natural - I tried fake once I didnt like them
Fake nails look so scary,girls tend to make them look longer and that just messes everything up,Im a natural!
me too: natural
Natural! Fake ones are thick and heavy, plus you have such a high risk of getting a fungus....ew
i used to go fake but now i do natural.
its prettier .... you just have to take care of them and your real nails will look better than fake ones :) (plus its healthier)
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